It's been a very long time since I've updated this blog. For those of you that have taken a interest in this blog, thank you. I know there are much better blogs out there about Japan or it's culture that are kept up to date regularly. That being said let me explain why have not updated in so long and what I plan to do with this blog in the future.
The reason this blog has so spars is because I will be graduating this year and I have very little time to update anything in my life. And the new blog I do have (school assignment) took all the time I was planning on dedicating to this blog. Furthermore I do not know the next time I will be able to blog again due to my schedule.
Originally I had planned to continue learning the Japanese language independent of all formal training. I had even considered purchasing Rosetta Stone to help in this process. But to be truthful, I i'm too busy to even to begin to look into this.
Now I'm not sure when the next blog will be up :(
Take care and hope to write more soon!